DSDN Topical Groups
DSDN offers a wide variety of groups so that you can connect with other parents around specific medical conditions, parent or family identities, or other shared experiences. When you join the free DSDN Rockin' Parent Community App you have access to all of these groups!
Medical Condition Groups
These groups connect parents around topics relating to different medical conditions:
Alopecia Diagnosis
Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI)
Breastfeeding/Pumping Support
Cancer Diagnosis (dads group)
Cancer Diagnosis (moms group)
Cranio Issues
Dual Diagnosis - Autism & DS
Feeding Support
GI Concerns
Hearing Loss
Heart Heroes (Heart Conditions)
Hydrops and Pregnancy
Infantile Spasms, Epilepsy, Seizures Diagnosis
Medically Complex Children
Moyamoya Disease
NICU Support
Pulmonary Hypertension
Thyroid Conditions
TAM / TMD Diagnosis
Tube Feeding
Vision Concerns
School & Academic-Related Groups
These groups connect parents around topic related to school and academics.
Homeschooling Support
IEP/IFSP Support
Not Yet Academic Skills
Not Yet Groups
These groups connect parents around specific developmental areas where the child has not yet mastered that area of development.
Not Yet Academic Skills
Not Yet Potty Trained
Not Yet Speaking
Parent & Family Identity Groups
These groups connect parents based on cultural identity, social identity, shared characteristics or life experiences.
Adoption (for those who have already completed adoption, or already have a child with Ds and are home-study approved to adopt another)
American Indian, First Nations & Indigenous Families
Asian Families
Black Families
Content Creators
Crunchy/Natural Parenting
Dads Group
Fit-Minded Moms
Homeschooling Support
Large Families
Military Families
More Than One Child with a Diagnosis
More Than One Child with Ds
Mosaic Down Syndrome
Over 40 at Diagnosis Moms
Parenting an Only Child
Parenting as an LGBTQIA Parent
Parents with a Twin (or Two) with Ds
Pregnancy After a Child with Down Syndrome
Single Parenting - Moms
Single Parenting - Dads
Spanish Speaking Moms
Stay-At-Home Dads
Translocation Down Syndrome
Under 40 Moms
Working Moms
For Families That Experience a Loss
Other Groups
All Star Rockin' Mom Group