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DSDN Birth Clubs
To best support new and veteran parents, we offer private, moderated birth club groups for rockin' moms and dads with children of any age within the free DSDN Rockin' Parent Community App.
At the heart of our DSDN mission are our private birth groups for new moms to a child with Down syndrome. Let us connect you with other moms who have a child with Down syndrome around the same age and stage as you.
We also offer large birth clubs for parents to connect with other parents with the same birth year or at a similar point in their journey, whether you have a brand new baby or an adult with Down syndrome you can connect with other parents in the DSDN Rockin' Parents Community App.
Hable Español?
Bienvenidas al grupo de ‘Rockin' Moms' en Español. Este grupo es para madres con niños “Rocking su cromosoma extra”.

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